Law enforcement and school officials need to obtain the proper information when responding to threats of school violence and or mass shooters online. Especially when there is “Leakage” and the posting party is targeting students and school personnel. It is important for the LEO/school administrator to obtain crucial information and evidence in these cases and initiate due process paperwork in a timely manner. The LEO will then continue the investigation and use the exigent circumstances protocol to get the appropriate information. Identifying the perpetrator immediately provides law enforcement and schools the ability to act quickly and proactively to reduce the threat of school shootings and other forms of violence. The goal of this class is to get that student the mental health help they need BEFORE the shooting starts. This will address actual school shooting and bombing threats as well as tracing swatting incidents.
Learning Objectives:
Learn why it is important not to disregard information that has been given to LEO or school officials
Learn about the history of the school shooter and their attributes
Understanding what the term “leakage” means and how we can interpret the information