Per NCA Standards, CAC clients are entitled to trauma-informed medical care at our partnering medical clinics, but not all eligible clients receive this specialty healthcare. This workshop will discuss barriers to clients' receipt of non-acute sexual abuse exams and provide an overview of a new program that has increased the number of attended medical appointments in the area that it serves. Reassurance from medical professionals can be an integral part of the healing process for child victims, and by the end of this session attendees will be able to tailor the discussed strategies, policies, and procedures to their own CAC to enhance client access to care.
Learning Objectives:
Assess your CAC's barriers to clients accessing non-acute sexual abuse exams with your medical partners
Identify what resources you have within your CAC to be able to bridge the gap between clients and non-acute medical care
Develop an outline for how your CAC intends to assist eligible clients to access trauma-informed medical care